Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Is this what Murphy's Law feels like?

So, today has been a rough day....

The hubby and I left for Texas today, and no, we're not visiting family. We are down here to visit friends from Penn State! I don't know that I would be here if it were for any other reason.

It all started with Dan.....So we asked our friend to drive us to the airport, sometime between 1000 and 1030.......apparently, there was a disconnect and he thought PM, rather than AM! So at 1030, we're freaking out and trying to get a hold of our friend, no such luck. So we toss our stuff into my car, turn it gas....shit.

The hubby's car has gas and we zoom off to the airport, having no idea where parking lots are or how long the shuttle take to get to the terminal. We finally make it to the airport, whew! Boarding the plane goes pretty well. Then we sit at the terminal for 45 min waiting for a connecting flight! We wouldn't have panicked if we had known....

Ultimately, we made it into Houston (Hobby) only to find out that our friends thought we were coming into the other airport (IAH). Luckily, they had figured that out during our 1 hr delay getting into Houston.

We had a lovely dinner at a real rib shack, that was quite tasty. Swung by the liquor store for some fun and then picked up snacks at the grocery. We leave the grocery store and the car started making awful noises. Turns out, the rack-and-pinion steering the Jeep went. We made it far enough to get to the mechanic.

The benefit is that the mechanic drove us to our friends home and will come and pick us up in the morning and provide a rental. Though it really sucks for our friends, considering that this is the second time the car has broken when we were involved with it.

Overall, it's been a kind of crappy day. Luckily we are all crazy enough to laugh at the stupidity of it all. That and we have a lot of alcohol to make us forget...

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Am I making this too complicated?

So, I've determined to start the shrug found here this weekend. I had bought the yarn a while ago, according to the pattern (the largest size). I've swatched and I have all the right needles. However, I did some thinking......dangerous, I know.

The measurements in the pattern for the shrug are only for the length from center back to your wrist and your underarm to center back. So I had my husband measure me. Based on just those two factors, I need a Medium (I'm short).

Now, I'm not a small person and I came to the realization that perhaps the arm size around wouldn't be large enough. So I did some math, hopefully correctly, and found out I need more stitches than the pattern calls for. Unfortunately, I promptly got confused as to how to deal with that fact. I think I figured out how many stitches I need up near the shoulder, but down near the wrist.....using the proportional amount according to the pattern would be huge.

How in the world should I account for this? This is my first sweater type project, so having to make modifications right off the bat is difficult. Though I have not found a pattern that accounts for my size.

The other problem? If I just add the stitches (not worrying about how big the wrist will be) and just do it according to the pattern with more stitches, I'm most likely going to run out of yarn. Not sure how different other dye lots are. Pretty much guaranteed I won't get a match.

What makes me want to cry? I'm still under the rules of my "diet," I can't buy the yarn even if I could find something with that dye lot!

When does one call it quits?