Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Over!!

Mid-terms are done! Finito! Finished! Woot! This is me doing a dance....well, I guess if you could see me, you'd see me doing a cross between a jig and fact, I look pretty silly.

So I took my last mid-term today and only have one assignment (reading a Chapter, posting a question) and then I can just relax until next Tuesday. I don't think my mid-terms went anywhere close to stellar, but I think I'll survive. My life was consumed with studying for the past week, no knitting (eek!), no pleasure reading, not even much TV watching. I have forgotten what it's like to be in full-time schooling. It is no picnic. If work wasn't paying me to be in school full-time, forget it!

A few more classes, then finals! But, sleep for now!

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