Thursday, November 1, 2007


So this year, I want to go snowboarding. I didn't end up going at all last year. Only problem is, that I really suck at it. That and I don't have a snowboard. I have boots and pants and jacket and gloves, but no board. So, kind of difficult to snowboard, without a snowboard.

I've done a little research online about snowboards. I'm still not sure what to get.

Only problem with snowboarding is that pretty much everyone I know is already expert at their sport (snowboarding or skiing). Which kind of sucks because then I have to practice on my own. I also learn pretty slowly so it might take a while to get used to it.

Someone suggested this board....

It's a little pricey but boy is it pretty. It's a woman's board, but not girlie like most I've seen. Me likey. The person I spoke with suggested a couple. So we'll see how things go.

1 comment:

Scott said...

don't be a single-planker...... real chicks/men use two skis