Sunday, January 6, 2008

Starting Small

So I decided I wasn't going to make New Year's Resolutions, but goals instead. I've been trying to formulate a few goals since just before the New Year. Obviously, I haven't been thinking full-time on it.

My knitting goal, will be one project a month. This may not seem like much to some other knitting folks, but I am slow in working on my projects. So maybe this will work to get me moving on other projects. Now, there is nothing saying I can't do more than one in a month, but at least one a month must be completed.

The project for January is those silly little gloves I've been working on. The second one is started and most of the weaving in is done for the first one. I have a few projects in mind for the coming months, but I also need to remember the time of year we're going into. Just need to make sure I'm not knitting a sweater in July.

Other goals? Well, another is to work very hard on controlling my food allergies. I have been less than diligent in avoiding my allergens. Mind you these allergies are not the type that will kill me, but make me feel really icky. So that I've been successful on so far.

Such things like that, obviously health and wellness is a big part. Another is some house work. Goals to spruce up the kitchen and make it look different, do some refinishing, etc. etc. Should be interesting work as long as I get my butt moving.

1 comment:

Nittany Knits said...

You know that knitting and housework do not go hand in hand. I suggest you ditch all efforts to do and housework, and just knit!