Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two Posts in One Day?!

So, I made it up to Albuquerque, the 75 mph speed limit really takes the tedium out of the drive. It's very brown out here in Albuquerque, though I did see patches of green. I took pictures, which is probably not the smartest thing to do while driving, but there weren't many cars in the areas I did it. So if something happened, it'd be between me and scrub brush. Here are some pictures:

Oh, and I saw cows, free roaming cows. I am no longer disheartened that the whole of Albuquerque cow agriculture consists of feedlots. These were probably destined to be someones steak dinner. They are the little black dots in front of the grey hills...

There was one adventure coming out of Las Cruces, I went through a Boarder Patrol check point. I'm not really sure what he was looking for. I rolled my window down and he just said "Have a good day." I totally wanted to take a picture of him, but I don't think that would've gone over well. Definitely not something you see in the Northeast. I also saw a HUGE train and the Rio Grande! Though the pics of the Rio Grande were of trees so, sorry you can't see that.

Did you know there is a town called Truth or Consequences? My uncle mentioned it during a conversation, but I thought he was using it as a euphemism or something for being careful not to stop somewhere unpopulated. I made one stop (I do regret it wasn't at Truth or Consequences) at a rest area, I figured I couldn't get in too much trouble there.

The hotel is ok, I prefer the Springhill Suites from Las Cruces. The front desk girl actually called the room about 15 min. after check-in to see if everything was ok. She also gave some good restaurant suggestions. But there was an interesting sunset view.

Speaking of food, I have a new favorite soup, Green Chili Stew! This stuff is awesome, it's slow cooked pork, potatoes, onions and green chilies. So good, I need to find me a good recipe, would probably be very awesome in my handy pressure cooker. So those living near me will be subject to Green Chili Stew experimentation (because we all know the husband is a no-go for spicy). I also discovered I have a clear preference for Green Chiles over Red, which apparently a local university student did a study on.

Hmmm, I think I need to work on the size of these images....

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