Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quilting, and knitting and dresses, Oh My!

So, my in-laws arrived on Monday safe and sound. We didn't do much Monday, just relaxed a bit, the MIL and I worked on crafts (her on cross stitch and I on knitting) and the FIL and hubby watched TV. After that we went to dinner to the ever tasty PF Chang's. This was especially exciting for my MIL due to the fact that they have a Gluten Free menu and she hasn't had Chinese in a VERY long time.

Saturday, we took a tour of a museum. It had it's interesting parts, but about halfway through the guided tour, the MIL and I left, but the FIL and hubby got a kick out of the rest. The MIL and I went over to Savage Mill, had lunch at the Ram's head and decided to find the quilt shop rumored to be there. Walking around, I was struck with how many business were gone or just closed during the day. I assume this was due to the economy and that most of the stores would be considered luxury. Luckily, And Sew It Goes was still there.

I found this awesome fabric. I love the colors and the cats absolutely crack me up.

My MIL bought some to incorporate into a quilt she wants to make us. We then traveled over to Joann's and looked through quilting fabric there. The whole experience has made me want to make a quilt out of every fabric that catches my eye. Which would probably not end up very well, but I want to do it anyway! Having never quilted before may be problematic, and I'm not sure I have the staying power to see it through.

In other news the hubby and I are attending a wedding next weekend. I go through this everytime we have to go to a wedding. I have very few nice clothes that I can wear. I bought this dress awhile go, but have yet to wear it.

Is this too black to dressy to what? I was hoping I could get away with wearing it, but I don't know the rule on black dresses at wedding these days. Any thoughts?

To wear with it, I'm determined to finish my Going Out Shrug. I put it down a while back because the patterns confused me. I wasn't sure how to proceed. Last night however, I just did it. Came up with a game plan and went forward. I think I'm on the track, but I'm worried the sizing may be of. I heavily modified the original pattern, I guess we'll have to see how it goes. I would laugh, very hard, if it turns out way too big, I did a lot of math to try and get the sizing right for me.

1 comment:

Large Marge said...

LOVE the dress!
Black is ok these days, and it has some white in it.
can't wait to see the shrug all done.
and thanks for the shout out. :O)
it was great seeing you. Holly was pissed i didn't tell her who you were so she could thank you, so she'll do it next time she sees you.